Advanced packaging for photonics, optics and
electronics for low cost manufacturing in
Advanced packaging for photonics, optics and
electronics for low cost manufacturing in
We are happy to share that Applause organized a dissemination day at ESREF conference on Wednesday 28th of September 2022. Continuing with the same core topics, we also organized a summer school targeted for PhD students in the field and junior engineers. This was a great opportunity for young professionals to learn from senior colleagues, to gain insight ranging from the basics, to current state of the art, and to the vision for the future. The event provided a great opportunity to network with representatives from all over Europe.
Follow the links for more details about the two events held.
The drive for new technology in advanced packaging for photonics, optics and electronics is creating an opportunity to build the competitive edge of component and systems development in Europe, while re-establishing the European manufacturing and packaging value chain. The ECSEL JU project APPLAUSE (No. 826588) supports this by building on the European expertise in advanced packaging and assembly to develop new tools, methods and processes for high volume mass manufacturing of electrical and optical components. The technologies will be piloted in 5 industrial use cases, related to
The APPLAUSE consortium is built of a number of leading experts from European electronics packaging companies representing different value chain levels related to advanced packaging and smart system integration. The parties have complementary expertise in conception, design, packaging, testing and manufacturing of electronic components, as well as a wide range of expertise from several different end use areas. The unique European ecosystem established within the consortium represents the competitive, leading edge of the technologies available.
Large corporations
who act as flagship companies, assuring the
impacts of the project at large scale
SMEs act both as use case owners and
technology providers; advanced packaging
related needs and opportunities will be more
fractured, providing a great opportunity for
high value-added niche products by SMEs
RTOs play an important role in supporting
the industries with their know-how – matching
the IA nature of the project, offering support to
closer to market actions